Ag & Life Sciences
Spokane, WA
Please provide a tweet-sized synopsis of your life after Cornell:
Environmental and business development work, moving to the Northwest and raising a family, time just goes by too fast!
List your favorite class(es) while at Cornell.
Tropical Crop Production, Madison Wright; Dave Pimentel's Ag, Ethics & the Env.; Archie Ammon's poetry-writing class, and Botany, H. Banks
Provide your favorite memory of your time at Cornell.
Steaming-hot cinnamon-raisin bagel at Collegetown bagels. They cost a quarter.
Share any random or surprising encounters with Cornell or Cornellians since you left.
Two neighbors, both professors at Gonzaga, who are Cornell grads. Also 2 attorneys I am in the middle of litigation with (same side!).
Tell us about the most interesting things you’ve done since 1980.
worked with draft horses, lived in Sweden doing woodworking, taught 5th-grade env. ed., working in range of enviro/business roles, 2 kids